John Carpenter Turning His Attention To Comics


Newsarama recently talked with both John and his wife/partner Sandy, who serves as editor of the series, and discussed the story of Asylum, how they found their way to comics, and also the rise of several licensed adaptations of his films such as Big Trouble In Little China and Escape from New York.  Read full interview here.

With seven issues out and a collection due out by Halloween, Asylum delves into familiar territory for fans of Carpenter’s work such as Prince of Darkness and follows a priest named Daniel Beckett who’s more familiar with hell than heaven but is nevertheless called in by Catholic leaders to investigate a flood of demonic possessions in Los Angeles. From the storytelling to the artwork, Asylum feels like 1980s horror movies that Carpenter made his name with.

Stop by the Comic Group and let us know if you have any issues of the Asylum series.  Start a discussion about your favorite John Carpenter movie.  Don’t forget to JOIN OUR MAILING LIST!